Go On Vacation Without Stressing About Work


We’re not talking about how to get your flights booked and vacation planned.  In this post we’re going to talk about how to get ready to leave work.  We want you to be able to disconnect and forget about work and then avoid the “vacation dread” that sinking feeling that you have to return soon.  It can be done! You just need a little planning in advance, and you’ll be able to totally disconnect and have an amazing vacation. 

Get it On the Calendar Early 

Have you ever gotten toward the end of the year and found you had PTO that you had to cram in at the last minute?  Have you ever been planning a trip, but forgot to schedule that time off on your calendar?  We all have and the feeling of having to scramble at the last minute, hoping you can get approval or work the time off into your schedule is the worst.  Try to plan out your time off at least a couple of months in advance.  If you take the same time annually, put it all in at the beginning of the year, or put it in after you get back from your last trip.  The sooner you get it on your calendar the less chance that wok will have a chance to disrupt your time off, or make you feel like you can’t take your vacation.  Also, set a reminder for your time off at the same time. 

Work Toward Your Vacation 

Set a calendar reminder for 2 weeks prior to your vacation.  You’re going to use this time to plan your work leading up to your time off.  Look at your upcoming projects and deadlines and determine what needs to be done before vacation and what can be done after vacation.  Write this list down and share it with your boss and peers.  Let them know what you’ll be working on now and when to expect things to get done either before or after your return.  Set a second reminder for 1 week prior to vacation. 

Setting Expectations 

Identify a coworker that you trust to handle emergencies during your time away.  Make sure that they have access to any tools or resources they’ll need to support your work.  Empower them to make decisions in your absence without reaching out to you.  Let your boss, supervisor and internal customers all know that you’ll be out of the office and will respond to any communications when you return.  Also let them know who will be supporting any escalated or emergency situations while you’re out and don’t forget to thank your delegate for their support. 

Setting the Final Reminder...For Everyone Else 

The last reminder you’re setting is for everyone else.  The morning of your last day, go into your email and setup an automatic reply.  This is another reminder that you’re out on PTO.  Your email should have a message letting folks know that you’re out as well as the date and time of your return. After that you should include a note to let folks know who your out of office delegate is and that they can answer for you while you’re gone.  Lastly think of the things that folks commonly ask you for that they can access themselves.  Include a quick list of links and reminders for the things that folks can use to get right back to work.  

Check Out 

Tell your boss and team goodbye.  Thank them for supporting you while you’re out and remind them when you’ll be back.  Let them know that you’ll be totally disconnected from work, but that your delgate will be in charge of your responsibilities while you’re out.  Turn off your email, turn off your team chat.  Now go and enjoy your time off...you’ve earned it! 
