When to Seek Outside Help


In every business, there comes a time when you experience a hurdle that you’re not sure how to overcome. Business owners and leaders may try a few different approaches and solutions to problems they’re experiencing with varying levels of success.  When they continue to struggle with a solution they will often turn to a consultant.  We’ve seen several consistent reasons that businesses and leaders hire consultants.   

Outside Eye 

You know how sometimes you’re dealing with a problem in your personal life and you turn to your significant other or friend for their opinion?  You’re asking them, because they are outside of the situation and can provide you with a viewpoint that you may be blind to. Often time clients have a solution to a problem and want a second opinion to ensure they’re on the right track. 

Consultants have worked with several different clients that have experienced the same problem.  They’ve had experience solving that problem for different clients and have insight into what has worked best in the past and in specific circumstances.  Consultants can provide both their experience and outside view to provide validation or help redirect to the best solution in your situation.  

Specialized Support 

Often, consultants get hired because they provide a specific skill that doesn’t exist within their organization.  This may be project management, Human Resources management, sales training among many others.  The advantage of hiring a consultant is that the business can bring in the extra horsepower for this specific project on contract without having to stand up a whole new department or commit to hiring an expert permanently.  This is especially valuable for situations where the need will be temporary. 


When you’re building your own organization or are a leader of a team, you are both financially and emotionally invested.  Consultants can provide an objective viewpoint.  They do not have a financial or emotional connection to the situation and are motivated to provide an honest and open assessment of the situation along with the best course of action forward.  This is extremely valuable as those internal biases can result in heading down a path that may repeat past mistakes. Consultants will help you see where those biases exist and how to avoid the pitfalls. 

Objectivity can be especially important if a company needs to restructure or engage in project where sensitivity is important.  If for instance a company needs to eliminate divisions, create new teams or lay off personnel, consultants can help ensure that an objective decision-making process.  Consultants may run the entire project, since they are able to make decisions and take actions without having to worry about risking their careers with the organization.

Looking for advice?  Post in the comments below.
