Get better results with SMART goals


Goal setting is fundamental to achieving great results. Like when you take a vacation, you must define where you want to go in order to plan how you'll get there. Goals allow us to measure our work and account for what we set out to do. SMART goals are an easy strategy for defining quickly and effectively. SMART goals are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Timely. Let's look at each component of a SMART goal.


What are you setting out to achieve? Here is where you can dream big. What is your ultimate end goal? If you are working on a big project you'll want to define exactly what that big project is. For example a carpenter might say that "I'm building a luxury house." Though achieving a big goal like that might seem daunting, so they will use a project management strategy of also setting smaller smart goals along the way. These are milestones that help you determine if you are on track to achieve your larger goal.


What does success look like? Here is where you'll answer the question around how you'll know you've achieved your goal. For the carpenter, they'll know they've achieved their goal when they've built a luxury house and there are no tasks left to complete. When you are defining your SMART goal, think about what you will measure to determine you've achieved your goal? Whether it's a sales target, successful feedback on a presentation or something else, make sure that you have a way to measure your success.


You want to dream big, of course, while also thinking about if what you want to achieve is attainable. For example the carpenter dreams of building a beautiful luxury house. This is a bigger project than they've ever achieved, but they have the skills and talent to pull it off. They wouldn't set a SMART goal that they're going to build a skyscraper. They don't have the resources, experience or ability to build a skyscraper and will certainly fail. Make sure that when you are setting goals that they are attainable while still stretching you to achieve more.


There is no point in setting and striving for goals if they don't make sense for you or your work. Think about how the goal fits into the bigger picture of what you're trying to achieve in life and work. Does it advance your other missions or core goals? If it doesn't advance your core goals, should you be striving to achieve it?  Perhaps yes, if it is an obligation, but stop to think about whether it really is an obligation and if it's not consider eliminating it. Create goals that move you and your professional life forward.


Timeliness is extremely important to goals. For example, if I have a goal of going to Disneyland with my children I have to have a timeframe in my goal. Do I plan to go when they're 5 to 10 years old? I certainly wouldn't want to wait until they're 30 years old. The carpenter may be planning to get their house completed by Spring so they can have it ready to sell when the market is heating up. Ensure that you have a time based goal. Make sure that when setting your timeline that you are being realistic. Setting an unrealistic schedule can result in overwork, or cutting corners to achieve your goals. Neither of those will really get your best results. Be honest with yourself and set a realistic timeline for your SMART goal.

SMART goals will help you to achieve more, more often. Look at your current goals and consider whether or not they meet the SMART goal criteria. If they don't, write down how you might adjust them to become a SMART goal. How do you set goals? Tell us below. 


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    1. Hi Laura,

      I'm glad you liked the article!


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