5 Reasons to embrace your talents

There are things that we are innately good at and things that we are not good at. Things that we are innately good at are things that we are naturally gifted at doing. They come effortlessly to us and we can usually identify them by looking at what kind of work we enjoy doing. Things that we are not good at are a struggle. These are things that even if we work extremely hard at them we never would consider ourselves talented. We will always be mediocre at these things.  

We know that it is not possible to improve your weaknesses and see this on TV every time we watch a talent show. No matter how hard they try or how many years they've practiced and how many vocal coaches they've paid, some folks cannot carry a tune. They stand on stage in front of millions of people and simply sing off key. No amount of hard work will ever result in them being a talented singer. On that same stage all be someone that only ever sings alone in their car or in the shower. They have never practiced and they have never had any training, yet they hit every note and have an amazing voice.

Is it fair that one person can succeed without trying and the other can work themselves to the bone and never win at the same task? No it's not, but then again life isn't fair. Life is like a hand of poker. You are dealt a specific hand of cards and it's to you to look at them and make the most of them. Different hands of cards will win in different rounds. It's up to you to identify where your hand will win and pursue that. 

Here are 5 reasons why you should embrace your talents

More Satisfaction

Think about what you are good at and what you are not good at. If you are good at something and focus on and practice that you will end the day with more success, more pride and more happiness. You will be able to look back at the work you did that day and feel true satisfaction for a job well done. 

Improved Confidence 

Success leads to confidence. Knowing that you are good at something and going out and using it to achieve success leads to more success. The greater the success the more confidence you will have in your own ability to succeed. The more confidence you have the greater your desire to use your talents. It's a positive feedback loop. 

Faster Career Growth

If you are good at doing things in a certain way and do them in that way you will more rapidly achieve your goals. You will have improved confidence, you'll be happier doing it and you will get better results. This improved performance gets noticed and will drive your career forward faster.

Better Results

You are happier, and your confidence is higher. You are talented at something and enjoy doing it. Focusing on those things that you are talented at are going to produce better results. If you are working on things that you are naturally good at you will produce better results. For example, I can write an article about someone or paint their portrait.  Painting a picture with words will be easy for me and will result in a good article, painting them in watercolors will be... a disaster.  I'll go with what I'm good at. 

Less Work

I would rather achieve more with less work wouldn't you? When you focus on your talents, the results will come faster and with less effort. You will achieve great things with less effort. This gives you the opportunity to achieve your goals quickly and put more time back on your schedule to spend as you see fit. You can use it to add additional tasks or take that time to focus on something else you want to do. 

You can spend your life grinding away at things that you don't have the talent for and will hate doing or you can spend your life pursuing the things that you are good at and truly enjoy. The other path leads to failure, unhappiness. What will you choose?
