Live life with no regrets and get started today

It's never the right time to get started. There are always reasons why now is not a good time. In fact, if you look hard enough you can always come up with some excuse why you can put off getting started on your goals another, hour, another day, another week, another year. There will always be an excuse you can lean on to put off doing what you want to do, or doing what you need to do. 

Some reasons why people put off their goals

You don't know if you will be successful. 

Even if you aren't successful, in achieving your goal, you were successful in learning something new. That doesn't detract from the fact that you missed your target, but it does give you valuable information you can use on deciding your future goals.

You're worried about what people will think about you. 

You should stop worrying about what other people think about what you're doing. Other people don't really care what you're doing. For the most part people tend to be worried about their own problems and if you're off trying your own thing and it doesn't interfere with what you're doing then they really won't care. 

What if you fail and people have less respect for you? 

People won't have less respect for you if you fail. In fact, they're likely to not even notice unless you say something to them about it. People are, again, more worried about their own problems. They're focused on what they've got going on to be worried about whether you're achieving your goals or not, so stop worrying about them. Let's say however, that they do see that you tried and you failed to achieve your goal. You set out to climb Mt Everest and you only got halfway to the summit. Will people that noticed think less of you? No, not at all, they are more likely to think MORE of you. They will be impressed that you even started, because they've been too busy coming up with excuses why they can't be successful. 

Now is not the right time.

Now is never the right time. You will always find an excuse to put off your project for another time. Perhaps there is a recession in the market, or you have a lot on your plate. Maybe you are waiting to finish that book on leadership that you've had on your desk for the last 6 months.  You will always have an excuse not to get started, but that's exactly why you need to get started right now.

Everyone else is too busy putting their own goals off

Get started right now. The longer you wait to start on your goals, the more time you give someone else to get off their butt and become your competitor. In fact, the longer you wait, the more likely it is your goal will begin to have a real excuse to not get started, because the market has passed you by, you've been too old to physically climb the mountain or some other excuse that sounds really good. Instead, ignore all of that and get out there today, because there's no time like the present.

Some reasons why you should get started right now

Everyone is focused on themselves 

Everyone is focused on themselves, so you've got the chance to go work on your own project. You don't need to tell anyone you've gotten started. Just go do it. Once you've started you'll have more ideas, you'll learn about the process, you'll adjust your strategy and you'll be able to set more targets. Everyone is looking the other way at their own interests, so they won't be able to tell you why you shouldn't get started.  Just don't tell anyone and dive in head first.

It is exceptionally exciting to get started

Getting started is exciting. It's similar to when you start a new relationship. At first it's a little scary and awkward because you don't know the other person, but the more time you spend together the more comfortable and confident you get. After enough time you become an expert in knowing and understanding the other person. Your goals are the exact same thing. Once you take the first step, you'll be excited and a little scared, but the more you take the next step forward, the more confident you'll become and the faster your progress will be.

There is no time like the present

Now is the right time. There is always an excuse on why you shouldn't get started, so no time is really any better to get started than right now. Since no other time is better, right now is the best time to get started. The sooner you get started, the sooner you'll achieve your goal. The sooner you get started, the sooner you get to experience the joy and excitement of the process, learning something new, working on something fun and interesting. Putting it off only robs you of the joy of trying to achieve something great. 

Live with no regrets

You've heard stories of people in their old age who have regrets about their life. They regret things, like never asking that girl to the dance, or not taking a year off before college to take a road trip around the country. They regret not taking a risk and starting a new business. They regret not quitting their job to switch careers to something they are passionate about. Now stop and think of your own regrets. Notice anything in common with the ones I just listed? They're almost certainly about things you didn't do. People don't regret having tried things, they regret having never tried. Live life with no regrets and get started today.

You will never find a better time than right now to get started. It will be exciting and people will look up to you for having tried. Later, no matter now it turns out, you'll be glad you gave it your best shot. Have you ever tried to achieve a big goal? How did it turn out?  I'd love to hear more in the comments below!
